“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Food Logs & Feedback was designed to help keep you accountable while on your weight loss journey. Feedback and support are critical success factors in any lifestyle management program. With this service, you will have both!

Food Logs & Feedback is a straightforward and results driven program that provides accountability and is ideal for anyone who understands 1:1:1 conceptually, but feels they need guidance on their weight loss and wellness journey.

The program starts a 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation in which we discuss your goals. From there, you will email food logs to me weekly and I will send feedback. While on this program, you will continue to have ONE 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation each month.

Client testimonials about their experience with Food Logs & Feedback!

Cece L.

“I’ve become even more proactive and organized with my meals since starting Food Logs and Feedback with Rania! It makes a big difference to spend just a few extra moments each day to both reflect and plan ahead. I feel lucky to have someone looking out for me, helping me strategize and keeping me inspired on a regular basis!”


Charlotte G.

Keeping food logs is a critical part of my overall weight-loss journey. It’s simple, really; when I am accountable to myself, and of course to Rania as well, it makes me think twice when the urge to eat inappropriately occurs. Seeing what I’m eating also helps me with my “red flags” (peanut butter as a snack, again?) and meal planning. Rania’s feedback also encourages me when I’m doing well, and provides additional perspective. Weight loss is about motivation and making changes, but most importantly, staying mindful and focused. Food logs help me do that.


Irena S.

“I have read Rania’s book, The 1:1:1 Diet several times and for me, it seemed like the most realistic way to approach my goals. When I contacted her, I felt ready, mentally, to commit myself to a weight loss journey, and I couldn’t think of a better way than using the 1:1:1 formula. I didn’t need a meal plan, I just wanted to keep a food log and to get a review of it.

It was a game-changer. We had a 30-minute call before I started in which we set goals and discussed strategies. I follow the 1:1:1 strategies, record my meals, and send the food log to Rania every week for review.

After the first two weeks, my weight was at the lowest it has been in 7 years. That is close to a miracle for me. I have less cravings, I am more aware of my hunger and fullness signals, and I look forward to Rania’s comments on my log.

After 7 weeks, I have successfully lost 16 pounds!

Rania is very patient, has great knowledge, and wants to help. I don’t have a feeling like I am alone anymore, Rania gives me accountability and motivation, and whenever I want to overeat or stray off the plan, I remember that she is by my side. Also, I like the food log format, because I can keep it forever, return to it, and to Rania’s comments, and always have personalized weight loss strategies that give results.”


Shay V.

I started keeping a record of what I eat and sharing it with Rania. It’s really made me think about my food choices and how they make me feel. It’s easy to see each One One One portion in each meal and snack, and I add notes if something stands out that day. I track my weight in the food log at the beginning and end of each week so I can see my progress every time I look at the log.

Brenda D.

“Food logs were very helpful in my weight loss journey.  First of all, they held me accountable and kept me honest for what I said I was going to do.  It’s easy to tell yourself  “I’ll start tomorrow” but when you commit to food logs, you are more likely to stick to your food plan.   I didn’t want to have to say I ate a lot that wasn’t on my plan.  But, it  was also encouraging to get positive feedback on my choices or be reminded to “just resume” rather than beat myself up for making a mistake.  Food logs kept me connected to Rania, who was my main support during my weight loss.

Daily food logs kept me focused on one day at a time instead of looking at my weight as something huge I couldn’t overcome.  I focused on doing the best I could for one day and, then, emailed my food log.  It was just a daily reminder that I was going to focus on and commit to making the changes I needed to make to lose the weight.

Food logs were useful to me to normalize my behavior with food.  I learned how to eat real foods I enjoy without going on and off a diet.  I learned you don’t have to be perfect or restrictive to lose weight.  I learned new strategies that helped me overcome weight loss barriers.  Steady progress by learning from daily logs and feedback is such a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off.  Now I automatically reach for better choices because I have changed my habits.  I would highly recommend doing daily food logs and checking in with your nutritionist monthly.”

Louise C.

“I highly recommend this service to anyone looking to lose weight, improve their health and learn the 1:1:1 strategy which simplifies food choices. Keeping a food log and having Rania check it every week is awesome! This service is helping me lose weight by staying focused. It also helps me keep my daily food choices on track.

When I want to change a menu item, Rania offers great ideas that keep me enjoying my meals. Her knowledge, expertise and strategies are invaluable. In addition, she has many recipes to share and a wealth of information. Each week, I look forward to reading her helpful feedback and her encouraging comments which keep me motivated. Thank you, Rania!”

To learn more about Food Logs & Feedback, please fill out the form below. Thank you!

Please note: there are no refunds or transfers for the monthly programs. Programs are not pro-rated.